A5 flyer of the presentation of the “Vitruvian Game”

    Volantino in A5 per la presentazione del “Vitruvian Game”

    Project Details

    NAME Flyer
    CLIENT Lab Network
    YEAR 2017
    TYPE Graphic

    Project created and edited in every component, from renders for backgrounds to the communication graphics styles.

    The stylistic choice, for belonging to the world of gaming and VR product, is characterized by contrasts of white and blue, neon effects and fonts that are remined of the IT world.

    Progetto realizzato e curato in ogni componente, dai render per gli sfondi alla grafica comunicativa. 

    La scelta stilistica, vista la natura dal prodotto appartenente al mondo del gaming e della VR, è caratterizzata da contrasti di bianco e blu, effetti neon e font che ricordano il mondo dell’IT.

    FLYER Maker Faire 2017 information flyer

    UNREAL ENGINE RENDER  game developer software


    PHOTOSHOP image elaboration software


    INDESIGN desktop publishing software application


    DREAM VISION & FUN essential ingredient for quality


    FORMALITY another essential ingredient for quality

    design by
    Alessandra Amato & Francesca Scarpa

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